As a KWW member, your business can have many additional benefits for a small annual membership fee.
• You will be a part of the region’s networking and referral system.
• You will be given the opportunity to purchase advertising space in the regional visitor’s guide or map or being linked to the regional website, providing you access to the region’s yearly advertising budget of $150,000 (publications, print media, travel shows & internet). The 85,000 regional visitor’s guides and 125,000 regional map & facility guides that are published and distributed each year provide an excellent opportunity for members to get their specific information out in addition to appearing in the region-wide list of facilities.
• You may take part in KWW’s brochure distribution service. For a small fee, KWW delivers participants’ brochures to the welcome centers and multiple other brochure racks from Metropolis, IL to Clarksville, TN.
• We will display your brochures and other materials at the KWW Welcome Center at Exit 31 off I-24. We provide information and a respite from the road to approximately 20,000 visitors each year.
• Travel and outdoor writers, travel agents and AAA counselors are introduced to the area and your business through KWW.
• KWW members gather new ideas and share information during periodic Tourism Study Tours. We bring business success stories back to our members that can be adapted for western Kentucky.
• You will be informed about the issues that affect you and your business through the KWW newsletter and e-mail.
• KWW provides a forum for your ideas on improving our area as a major tourist attraction. You can help keep tourism a growing industry by offering your services as a volunteer worker during special events or on special projects or by serving on KWW committees.
• You can enjoy fellowship with other business owners and community leaders through KWW events such as bi-monthly dinner meetings and the Annual Meeting that features dinner, tourism-related speakers and an auction.
The cost of advertising in a regionally-distributed publication is considered one of the most cost-effective ways a business can reach many thousands of potential visitors. We focus advertisements in the states whose inhabitants are most likely to visit western Kentucky. The regional visitor’s guide has a long shelf life, ensuring that advertising businesses will have greater exposure to a lucrative market. When visitors ask about a place to stay, eat, or visit, KWW members have the opportunity to be the first introduced to them. How many first-time and repeat visitors to the area do you miss because they aren’t aware of you? Let KWW help you grow and in the process help the entire region to grow as a vacation paradise and desirable tourist destination.
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